Terrestrial malacocoenoses of the monastery park in Henryków near Ząbkowice Śląskie (SW. Poland)
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Museum of Natural History, Wrocław University, Poland
Submission date: 2008-11-02
Acceptance date: 2008-12-03
Publication date: 2020-06-24
Folia Malacol. 2008;16(2):75-87
The malacofauna sampled at 10 sites in Henryków includes 45 species, with 13–32 (mean 21) species per site; similarity between the sites (Nei) ranges from 0.28 to 0.79, Whittaker's indices are: Iw 2.14 and Imax 1.41. Overall similarity between the communities from Henryków and from the nature reserve Muszkowicki Las Bukowy, 5 km away, is 0.75. The nature reserve malacocoenosis is richer (total of 48 species, with 31–37 species per site and mean of 34.5), similarity between the four examined sites is higher (0.79–0.92), and the between-site heterogeneity – lower (Iw 1.22, Imax 1.14). The dominance and frequency structure differs between the two malacocoenoses: in Henryków species of the highest F × D values are (in the order of importance): Balea biplicata, Perforatella incarnata, Bradybaena fruticum, Carychium tridentatum, Aegopinella minor, Discus rotundatus, D. perspectivus, Aegopinella pura, Helix pomatia and Perforatella bidentata, in Muszkowice Carychium tridentatum, Balea biplicata, Discus perspectivus, D. rotundatus, Aegopinella pura, Ae. minor, Macrogastra plicatula, Columella edentula, Acicula polita and Perforatella incarnata. Acicula polita, Succinea oblonga, Ena montana, Arion silvaticus, Vitrea diaphana, Daudebardia rufa, Cochlodina laminata, Macrogastra ventricosa, Clausilia pumila, Bulgarica cana, Perforatella vicina, Helicodonta obvoluta and Causa holosericum occur only in the nature reserve, Carychium minimum, Succinea putris, Vertigo pusilla, V. substriata, Vallonia costata, Arion circumscriptus, Zonitoides nitidus, Deroceras laeve, Ruthenica filograna and Perforatella rubiginosa are found only in the park. Comparison of the Henryków malacocoenosis with the communities of other parks in Poland, despite their rather low similarity (0.55–0.67), made it possible to distinguish a community of typically park species which are present in all the studied parks (Succinea putris, Cochlicopa lubrica, Vallonia costata, Discus rotundatus, Arion fasciatus, Vitrina pellucida, Vitrea crystallina, Nesovitrea hammonis, Zonitoides nitidus, Bradybaena fruticum, Perforatella bidentata, P. incarnata, Cepaea hortensis, Helix pomatia). Finding in Henryków such rare species as Discus perspectivus, Aegopinella epipedostoma, Ruthenica filograna and Deroceras praecox suggests that the park is an important refugium for gastropods.
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