Mobility, activity and migration ability of Strigillaria cana (Stylommatophora: Clausiliidae)
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Suwalski Landscape Park, Poland
Submission date: 2022-09-17
Final revision date: 2022-11-13
Acceptance date: 2022-11-15
Online publication date: 2022-12-05
Corresponding author
Magdalena Marzec   

Suwalski Landscape Park, Malesowizna 24, 16-404, Jeleniewo, Poland
Folia Malacol. 2022;30(4):234-245
Strigillaria cana mobility was observed in natural conditions in lowland mixed forest in NE Poland. Adult individuals cover a mean distance of 164 mm per hour when moving on a tree trunk. Their average speed was 4.76 mm/min and 19 mm/min maximum. Strigillaria cana activity depends on humidity. The distance covered by snails and the percentage of active individuals increase at high air humidity. The time of the day (day/night) did not influence Strigillaria cana activity. Strigillaria cana specimens show limited dispersal. Of 485 observed adults, 59% never changed the tree on which they were present. Specimens that migrate did not move far from their original location, and most of them (86.2%) cover distances of less than 10 m between trees.
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